Now that we have settled here in Cuenca, after 17 months many days fall into a routine. For example, here is what Sunday was like for us.
- Get up and enjoy french toast and bacon, lovingly prepared by Stu
- Strip the bed, put on clean sheets
- Gather all the laundry, sort and start the first load
- Make shopping list for Stu, need veggies for soup fixings
- Stu cuts up frozen chicken breast for soup
- Gather other soup fixings and discover "almost empties"
- Fill the salt, pepper and various spice containers
- Start the soup (broth, tomatoes, chicken
- Stu back home, put away the groceries while he cleans the gum off the floor that came in on his shoe
- Clean all the fresh veggies (vinegar water)
- Cut up veggies and toss in soup, add seasoning
- Time to check emails and Facebook
- Continue doing laundry
- Write three blog posts
- Stu napping in front of the TV
- Finish laundry
- Finish soup, dish out for dinner and freeze the rest
- Another email, Facebook check and then play some games on my iPad mini while Stu watches some of his car or woodworking shows
I walked over 5000 steps without ever leaving the apartment!
So not every day is exciting, not every day is different, not every day is something you want to read about (but if you got this far, you just did).
So not every day is exciting, not every day is different, not every day is something you want to read about (but if you got this far, you just did).
Yes, we are living our Grand Adventure, but life does go on!