I know, late again. But really, it's been an extraordinarily BUSY month. Honest! Here is a bit of a photo journey to prove it...
Stu went to Florida for his retired Firefighter reunion. |
Stu stopped in to see my brother & his wife before heading to Key Largo for some scuba diving. |
While he was gone, I got sick but was finally well enough to attend a Newcomer luncheon at Don Colon's Restaurant. |
I had to visit Mall del Rio to pay our Internet, Telephone & Health Insurance. While there I finally got a good photo of this tag on a sweatshirt. |
Valentine's Day brought flowers to almost every street corner. |
Stu arrived home on Valentine's Day with this beautiful bouquet. |
We met up with some motorcycle friends as well as a local, great lunch at Don Colon's. |
Our favorite 2-story artisan shop is closed for renovations so many of them have set up shop alongside the cathedral, opposite Don Colon's. |
More artisans.... |
Another meet 'n greet with Moe and her mom, Winnie. Moe plans to move to Ecuador and Winnie will visit during the frigid Boston winters. |
A little excitement at the end of our street...glad I have a camera with a good zoom! |
The flowers lasted almost two weeks, blooming beautifully! |
A new print magazine was launched in town, you might recognize the name at the bottom? |
The launch party for the magazine...over 500 people attended. It was a nice mix of locals and expats with several news media folks as well. |
So yes, it's been a busy month. Oh, and I've gone to yoga almost every Monday and Friday, written a short story for an anthology to benefit a friend, helped 4-5 friends look for a new apartment, attended a steering committee meeting for a writing conference, started my own writing group, "
Writing Our World (in Cuenca)", created a newsletter and website for that AND created the start of a website for our good friend, Simon Cordero, for his restaurant and jewelry business at
Magnolia Caffe.
I think it's time for a nap!