The website has a distance
calculator for all major cities on Earth. The Cuenca page lists distances from there to dozens of destinations around the globe, for example:
- Guayaquil, Ecuador -- 77 miles
- Lima, Peru -- 644 miles
- Galapagos Islands, Ecuador -- 745 miles
- Caracas, Venezuela -- 1,242 miles
- Kingston, Jamaica -- 1444 miles
- Miami -- 1,973 miles
- New Orleans - 2372 miles
- Atlanta -- 2356 miles
- New York -- 3,017 miles
- Phoenix -- 3,302 miles
- Honolulu -- 5,580
- and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- 12,395, almost exactly halfway around the planet
Another interesting
distance factoid is that Cuenca is 199 miles from the equator, so the South Pole is 6,016 miles away,
while the North Pole is almost equidistant at 6,414.