No meetings were planned today but I wanted to get up early and take a taxi to Artesa, a local pottery store that has some amazing things. On Friday's they open up their discount/seconds area and if you're careful you can find some great stuff at low prices.
We easily grabbed a taxi and arrived by 9am. We walk in the store and immediately spot two expats that we know. They told us the main store opened at 9 but the discount store opened at 8 and things were disappearing quickly.
We enjoyed browsing and picked up two pretty coffee mugs that we will use now and bring home. I also found two little knick-knacks for our eventual cabin. One is a little vase and the other is a Panama hat. The photos aren't the best quality since I took them at night here in the apartment.
We thought we'd grab a taxi and head to Mall del Rio to grab something to eat but a gentleman overheard us and mentioned that it was maybe 15-20 blocks away. We've been walking that easily, the weather was terrific, so we headed out on foot.
Well, long story short, we missed our turn and walked WAY out of our way. We finally grabbed a taxi because I needed something to eat. LOL! We headed for the food court and had a little Chinese, then walked some more. I got real brave and tried out the ATM at the bank. Worked fine, got to chose English as the language. Phew!
We took a taxi home and Stu took a nap while I did a little online stuff before heading out to the garden to read for a bit.
When he got up we chatted about our French Press coffee maker. The one we picked up here works okay but only makes a cup at a time. We've now ordered this Thermos Nissan 34-Ounce Vacuum Insulated Stainless-Steel Gourmet Coffee Press from Amazon. While we love our Keurig coffee maker, we have found we are spening WAY too much on coffee for it. Hopefully this way we can have good coffee at a reasonable price.
Speaking of reasonable prices, just had to grab a shot of the prices at the local gas station. Yes, that is in US dollars and it's per gallon!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Adventures of the day....
It's done, We're done!
Finally, everything has been sold (although some things will be picked up during our last three days here in Cuenca). It's been quite a ...

Both our used refrigerator (if you can call one month old, used) and our brand new stove are made by Indurama , a Cuenca based appliance man...
Finally, everything has been sold (although some things will be picked up during our last three days here in Cuenca). It's been quite a ...
I finally found a few minutes to post about our cruise on our US blog: November Happenings - Cruising, Flying & Panicking Most of our t...