Actually, I think we are doing both! We are slowly trimming our To Do lists as we prepare for our move. Of course we keep coming up with new things that we think we need to get/bring with us. Hubby dug out our old 22" TV and decided to bring it in his carry-on. We ordered HDMI cables from Amazon (great prices) as well as a carry bag for his Go Pro camera (scuba diving). He took his gear in for a checkup and when he went to pick it up, I went along for a Five Guys dinner fix (yum).
We're both working through paperwork, moving everything possible to e-statements in an attempt to limit our mail. We're making an appointment with a local lawyer this week, getting our wills redone in Tennessee. Next week we hope to make the trek to Atlanta to pick up our Visas as well as visit my youngest and her family.

I got my new
Travelon anti-theft purse today. I'm not a large purse person so was happy to find this smaller bag. I can fit all my basic toiletries including clip-on sunglasses, phone, wallet/cards and even my Kindle Fire. It's really sturdy and the security features are amazing! The main zipper locks, it has multiple RFID security pockets for your passport and credit cards and it has a special clamping lock to attach the purse to a chair. It's long enough to wear cross body, which is my preferred style. Oh, the strap has a wire running through it and the main body is protected from slashing as well.
I'm comparing prices for our transport from Guayaquil to Cuenca in a car/truck/van big enough for us and all our luggage. Our new landlord is finishing up some minor repairs and our downstairs neighbor says things are looking good!
We're trying to pin down our router needs and we bought a
Roku 3 for media streaming (Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc). We know we will need a VPN and Strong VPN has been highly recommended, we just need to figure out what router will work best.

Last spring/summer I bought a
Scottevest on sale and tonight when I checked they had men's on sale so we ordered one for Stu. Lets you securely and safely carry a TON of things in the 22 pockets. Very comfortable, too!
The funniest purchase is a couple pair of sweat pants for lounging around at home. Neither of us have worn them in years but knowing how cool it can be at night even during summer time weather, we both thought it was a good idea. Can't beat $6 sweatpants at Wal-Mart. LOL!
I've packed a few things but put nothing into space bags as yet. I hope to be tackling that this weekend and start to see how much room we're taking up in the bags with what we have already stuck away for the move. There is more to be pulled out of closets and drawers before making the final decision on what goes and what stays.
Stu has been busy changing oil in both trucks and our RV's generator and both motorcycles have had their 20k service and now have Sta-Bil in their gas tanks. He's working on straightening and organizing stuff in the shed while I tackle inside. All liquids have to be gone before we leave since we'll be winterizing the RV and won't be leaving the heat or A/C turned on.
So we have definitely been busy ramping up towards our move (and our cruise) as well as winding down living here in the US. Oh yeah, he called American Airlines today and changed his return flight from our Feb date (that we never planned to use) to a June 1st date and is flying into BWI instead of Miami. This will allow him to be with his youngest for the birth of her firstborn!