A week? No, it can't have been a week...

Yes, it has been a week since I last blogged and I'm not sure where it went. I'm no longer sick, I did get in some reading and that I REALLY enjoyed, we didn't go out much other than for groceries and a few lunches with friends (old and new), we got our bathroom mirrors hung (thank you to Emilio) and we went to an outing in a neighboring town (more below).

Blog? Who has time to blog? LOL! But I do have a few photos to share. We continue to be amazed with the beautiful views. All day long, the sun and clouds provide us with a kaleidoscope of ever changing views.

Our bathrooms had inexpensive, plastic framed mirrors and before we moved in our landlord told us we could change them out. We found nice mirrors for around $20-25 each at Coral. Since we have tile walls in our bathroom, we knew that Stu's cordless drill was going to struggle with mounting them. We put a call out to our friend, Emilio, who has all the right tools. In a little over an hour, the three new mirrors were hung. What a difference! We love them. The two in our main bathrooms have a glass shelf that helps us get stuff off the counter - a good thing.

[click any image for larger photo]

Here are some fun views from our windows - I managed to snap a fuzzy shot of Stu heading out on his first bicycle ride.

And here are some of the kids playing at the day care center next door as well as some of the adults playing volleyball. The final shot is fuzzy but it is one of the buses with the newly added bike rack on the front!

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