Fast forward to life here in Ecuador and we are discovering that you can be as busy as you'd like or not at all. There is always something to do, someone to meet, lots of places to go and people to see!
In the last week we have gone to a wonderful one year anniversary in Cuenca party where we enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new; I have had a pastry treat with a new friend while we discussed writing and life; I've had breakfast with a large number of women now living in Cuenca,; I've gone to a creative writing seminar that was amazing; I've shopped for groceries and collected laundry for Mr. Wash to do (yeah!); we've gone out to a delicious dinner where we enjoyed watching the Argentine Tango (and met more new friends); and tomorrow we are meeting good friends for lunch!
Phew! Wonder what next week will bring? Oh, and just so you won't think we're among the missing, I plan to post a random photo taken in Ecuador every week...what day? Hmmm, how about Sunday? We'll call it Sunday Sundries!